Tech Wizards vs Management Maestros: A Comparative Analysis of Innovation Impact in Professional Service Firms

Unraveling the Secrets Behind Client Relationships, Innovativeness, and Learning for Consultants in the Innovation Domain

Nadeem Mustafa
3 min readNov 26, 2023
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In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, innovation is more crucial than ever for organizations to stay ahead of the curve. Innovation intermediation (II) is a crucial process that connects organizations with the resources and knowledge they need to innovate effectively. Professional service firms (PSFs) play a vital role in II, acting as intermediaries between organizations and innovation providers.

Two types of PSFs are particularly prominent in II: technology consultants and management consultants. Technology consultants specialize in providing technical expertise and solutions, while management consultants focus on advising organizations on strategy, process, and organizational change.

A recent study published in the journal Technovation delved into the factors that influence the performance of technology consultants and management consultants in II. The study compared 122 PSF practices from both types of consulting firms and examined the relationships between client focus, innovativeness, learning, and practice performance.

Key Findings

The study revealed some intriguing insights into the performance drivers of technology consultants and management consultants in II:

  • Client focus: For management consultants, client focus emerged as the most significant factor influencing practice performance. This suggests that management consultants’ ability to build strong relationships with clients and understand their needs is crucial for their success in II.
  • Innovativeness and learning: For technology consultants, both innovativeness and learning were found to be positively associated with practice performance. This implies that technology consultants’ ability to stay at the forefront of technological advancements and continuously learn and adapt is essential for their effectiveness in II.

Interestingly, the study found that the relationship between innovativeness and learning and practice performance was stronger for technology consultants compared to management consultants. This suggests that technology consultants’ technical expertise and ability to leverage new technologies are more critical for their success in II than for management consultants

Significance and Implications

The findings of this study have significant implications for both technology consultants and management consultants operating in the II domain:

  • Technology consultants: Should prioritize continuous innovation and learning to stay ahead of technological advancements and effectively address clients’ innovation needs.
  • Management consultants: Should cultivate strong client relationships and demonstrate a deep understanding of clients’ business challenges and goals to enhance their effectiveness in II.

Citation and Further Reading

Original Research Paper:

Williams, C., & van Triest, S. (2023). Understanding performance in professional services for innovation intermediation: Technology consultants vs. management consultants. Technovation, 126, 102824.

Additional Resources:

  • Innovation Intermediation: A Literature Review and Future Agenda by Tidd, Pavitt, & Bessant (2005)
  • The Role of Intermediaries in Innovation Diffusion: A Network Approach by Powell, Koput, & Smith-Doerr (2006)
  • Innovation Intermediaries in the Age of Open Innovation by Chesbrough, Lettl, Bohlmann, & Van de Wetering (2014)


The significance of Professional Service Firms (PSFs) in the realm of Innovation and Integration (II) is progressively growing, especially as organizations actively strive to cultivate innovation and navigate the dynamic shifts in the business landscape. It becomes imperative to delve into the intricacies that propel the performance of technology consultants and management consultants within the sphere of Innovation and Integration. This understanding is not just pivotal for PSFs but also for their clients, forming the bedrock for optimizing the overall effectiveness of II initiatives.

In the pursuit of heightened success in innovation, a strategic focus on key elements such as client engagement, innovativeness, and continuous learning emerges as a linchpin. Both technology consultants and management consultants can elevate their roles by emphasizing a client-centric approach, fostering a culture of innovativeness, and actively engaging in ongoing learning endeavors. These concerted efforts not only fortify the capabilities of the consultants themselves but significantly amplify their collective impact on steering clients toward triumph in their innovation endeavors. Through a symbiotic relationship, PSFs and their clients can create a powerful synergy, propelling the success of Innovation and Integration initiatives to new heights.



Nadeem Mustafa

Experienced Digital Health Strategist & Technologist passionate about bridging healthcare & technology for a smarter future. #HCIT #GenerativeAI #HealthTech